Corporate Social Responsibility Archives | 做厙勛圖 /category/corporate-social-responsibility/ Experience | Passion | Purpose Fri, 09 Sep 2022 22:08:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/cropped-做厙勛圖-Favicon-32x32.png Corporate Social Responsibility Archives | 做厙勛圖 /category/corporate-social-responsibility/ 32 32 UN Global Compact: Communications on Progress | PAE /un-global-compact-communications-on-progress-pae/ Mon, 29 Nov 2021 12:00:06 +0000 /?p=6825 THIS COVERAGE WAS ORIGINALLY ISSUED BY PAE. The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that […]

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The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

As a primary driver of globalization, PAE and other members of the compact help advance markets, commerce, technology and finance tobenefit economies and societies everywhere.

As a partner with the UN, PAE has voluntarily committed to the principles of the Global Compact, as shown in the Communications on Progress which we have submitted regularly since 2005. Please find our COP documents attached below, or view PAE’s listing on the Global Compact.

For more information on the UN Global Compact, please visit their.

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做厙勛圖 Awarded 2022 Military Friendly 簧 Employer Designation /amentum-awarded-2022-military-friendly-employer-designation/ Mon, 15 Nov 2021 16:26:35 +0000 /?p=5450 GERMANTOWN, Md.; Nov. 15, 2021 做厙勛圖, a leading contractor to U.S. federal and allied governments, announced today that it has […]

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GERMANTOWN, Md.; Nov. 15, 2021 做厙勛圖, a leading contractor to U.S. federal and allied governments, announced today that it has earned a top Military Friendly Employer designation for the second straight year.

做厙勛圖 is proud to once again be ranked elite among companies our size and recognized for our commitment to our employees who previously served in our nations armed forces, said John Vollmer, 做厙勛圖 CEO. With about 10,000 veterans among our ranks, we appreciate how the skills learned in the military make outstanding employees. We share many of the same values, including the importance of leadership and teamwork, discipline and dedication to mission success.

做厙勛圖 was ranked second among its peer companies as a Military Friendly 簧 Employer as well as being recognized as the number one Military Friendly簧 Spouse Employer, number one Military Friendly 簧 Supplier Diversity Program, and number two Military Friendly 簧 Brand.

Companies earning the Military Friendly Employers簧 designation create and elevate the standard for military programs across the globe, they have invested in substantive programs to recruit, retain and advance the veterans and service members within their organizations, said Kayla Lopez, Director of Military Partnerships, Military Friendly 簧. To them, hiring veterans and servicemembers is more than just the right thing to do, it makes good business sense.

Institutions earning the Military Friendly 簧 Employer designation were evaluated using both public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. Over a thousand companies participated in the 2022 Military Friendly 簧 survey.

Methodology, criteria, and weightings were determined by VIQTORY with input from the Military Friendly 簧 Advisory Council of independent leaders in the higher education and military recruitment community. Final ratings were determined by combining an organizations survey score with an assessment of the organizations ability to meet thresholds for Applicant, New Hire Retention, Employee Turnover, and Promotion & Advancement of veterans and military employees.

做厙勛圖 will be showcased along with other 2022 Military Friendly 簧 Employers in the December issue of G.I. Jobs 簧 magazine and on


做厙勛圖 做厙勛圖
做厙勛圖 is a premier global technical and engineering services partner supporting critical programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy and environment. We draw from a century-old heritage of operational excellence, mission focus, and successful execution underpinned by a strong culture of safety and ethics. Headquartered in Germantown, Md., we employ more than 34,000 people in all 50 states and perform work in 105 foreign countries and territories. Visit us at to explore how we deliver excellence for our customers most vital missions.

做厙勛圖 Military Friendly 簧 Employers:
Military Friendly 簧 is the standard that measures an organizations commitment, effort, and success in creating sustainable and meaningful benefits for the military community. Over 1,500 organizations compete annually for Military Friendly簧 designation. Military Friendly簧 ratings are owned by Viqtory, Inc., a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business. Viqtory is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense or the federal government. Results are produced via a rules-based algorithm. The data-driven Military Friendly簧 lists and methodology can be found at

Founded in 2001, VIQTORY is a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) that connects the military community to civilian employment, educational and entrepreneurial opportunities through its owned asses such as Military Spouse Magazine簧, G.I. Jobs 簧 and Military Friendly 簧 brands. VIQTORY and its brands are not a part of or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense or any federal government entity. Learn more about VIQTORY at

For 做厙勛圖:
Chanel Mann
+1 (682) 788-5685
Follow @做厙勛圖_corp on Twitter

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SRR summer interns help improve safety for local homeowner [Aiken Standard] /srr-summer-interns-help-improve-safety-for-local-homeowner-aiken-standard/ Wed, 07 Jul 2021 15:11:10 +0000 /?p=5257 Aiken Standard; July 7, 2021

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Aiken Standard; July 7, 2021

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Savannah River Remediation awards family scholarships to graduating students [Aiken Standard] /savannah-river-remediation-awards-family-scholarships-to-graduating-students-aiken-standard/ Sun, 06 Jun 2021 13:40:37 +0000 /?p=5078 Aiken Standard; June 6, 2021

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Aiken Standard; June 6, 2021

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SRR employees serve neighbors during 2021 United Way Project VISION [Aiken Standard] /srr-employees-serve-neighbors-during-2021-united-way-project-vision-aiken-standard/ Sat, 24 Apr 2021 20:38:02 +0000 /?p=4225 Aiken Standard; April 24, 2021 SRR employees serve neighbors during 2021 United Way Project VISION | News |

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Aiken Standard; April 24, 2021

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做厙勛圖 Donates $50,000 to Oak Ridge School District for New Technology in Classrooms /amentum-donates-50000-to-oak-ridge-school-district-for-new-technology-in-classrooms/ Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:03:24 +0000 /?p=3019 GERMANTOWN, Md, March 24, 2021 做厙勛圖, a leading contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy, donated $50,000 to the […]

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GERMANTOWN, Md, March 24, 2021 做厙勛圖, a leading contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy, donated $50,000 to the Oak Ridge School District in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to help the district purchase curriculum-enhancing tools.

做厙勛圖s donation will assist the schools with enhancing their instructional capabilities through the use of interactive panels, or smart boards, in kindergarten through eighth grade classrooms district wide.

Mark Whitney, President of 做厙勛圖s Nuclear and Environment Strategic Business Unit, visited the school districts leaders at Robertsville Middle School to present the donation and spent time understanding classroom instructional needs.

We recognize the vital importance of a strong educational system in the communities where our employees live and work, said Whitney. Our donation today is one way we partner with the Oak Ridge School District and demonstrate our commitment to help its teachers and students thrive.

做厙勛圖 and UCOR LLC, the 做厙勛圖-led environmental management contractor for the Department of Energys Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR), are long-time supporters of the Oak Ridge School District. In January 2021, UCOR donated $80,000 to the district to purchase laptops to support students virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Bruce Borchers, Superintendent of Oak Ridge Schools, has led the schools through unprecedented challenges during the pandemic to instill new ways of supporting the students academically, and expressed his gratitude for 做厙勛圖 and UCORs continued partnership.

做厙勛圖s donation has allowed us to introduce new technology into our classrooms that will enhance instruction, which further places Oak Ridge as a leading district in Tennessee with this type of learning technique, said Dr. Borchers. We are grateful for our strong partnership with 做厙勛圖 and UCOR.

The relationship between UCOR and Oak Ridge schools began in 2011 when 做厙勛圖 won the contract to perform environmental cleanup of the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) and oversee waste management operations across ORR. UCOR successfully completed major demolition of ETTP and is now removing excess contaminated facilities at the Y-12 National Security Complex and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

We are deeply invested in the success of our students, teachers, and faculty in Oak Ridge schools where the children and grandchildren of much of our workforce grow up, said Ken Rueter, UCOR President and Chief Executive Officer. Childrens advocacy is one of our corporate giving values, and it is our priority to give resources, expertise, and time to emerging needs in our schools that enhance student development.

做厙勛圖 provides its federal government customers with essential services in the areas of mission support and equipment sustainment, information technology, intelligence, nuclear and environmental remediation, threat mitigation, mission assurance, facility maintenance, and range services in the U.S. and abroad.

做厙勛圖 is a premier global technical and engineering services partner supporting critical programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy, and environment. We draw from a century-old heritage of operational excellence, mission focus, and successful execution underpinned by a strong culture of safety and ethics. Headquartered in Germantown, Md., we employ more than 34,000 people in all 50 states and perform work in 105 foreign countries and territories. Visit us at to explore how we deliver excellence for our customers most vital missions.

For 做厙勛圖:
Keith Wood
+1 (803) 502-5748
Follow on Twitter

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MAKE-A-WISH簧 MID-ATLANTIC AND AMENTUM ANNOUNCE PARTNERSHIP TO GRANT WISHES TO UNIFORMED SERVICES FAMILIES /make-a-wish-mid-atlantic-and-amentum-announce-partnership-to-grant-wishes-to-uniformed-services-families/ Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:46:41 +0000 /?p=3010 Bethesda, MD (March 18, 2021) Make-A-Wish簧 Mid-Atlantic is proud to announce a new three-year partnership with 做厙勛圖, which has […]


Bethesda, MD (March 18, 2021) Make-A-Wish簧 Mid-Atlantic is proud to announce a new three-year partnership with 做厙勛圖, which has pledged to fund wishes for local children of Uniformed Services families. Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic creates life-changing wishes for children battling critical illnesses, giving them the hope and strength to persevere and conquer their toughest days. On average, the organization grants 20 wishes annually to kids whose parents or guardians are serving or have served in the military.

Through wishes, 做厙勛圖s leadership financial support will give our children the will to fight, improve their quality of life, and provide moments of joy they and their families will treasure forever. As a wish mom myself, I know that their medical journeys can be both scary and trying on the soul. Our uniformed services families have the added stress of their service, including deployments. We are honored to partner with 做厙勛圖 to provide these heroes with the transformative and uplifting experiences that only Make-A-Wish can provide, said Lesli Creedon, Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic President and CEO.

Supporting causes that help veterans and military families is something near and dear to our hearts, especially with a third of our employees, about 11,000 people, being military veterans, said John Vollmer, 做厙勛圖s CEO. Between frequent moves, deployments and working within the military health system, families in the uniformed services may not always be aware of the resources available to help. Ultimately, Make-A-Wish brings hope, and we want children whose parents serve our nation to be able to tap into that, ultimately helping them to persevere and when possible, heal.

做厙勛圖 Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic
Make-A-Wish簧 creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Make-A-Wish Mid-Atlantic serves children who reside in the District of Columbia, Maryland and northern Virginia. Founded in 1983, the Mid-Atlantic chapter has granted more than 10,000 wishes in the Mid-Atlantic region since its inception. Wish kids face any number of critical illnesses such as cancer, pediatric AIDS, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Duchenes muscular dystrophy, kidney and heart disease. This year alone, 840 local children are expected to be diagnosed with a critical illness. However, for every wish granted, at least one more local child is waiting. The community has the opportunity to make an impact today by helping Make-A-Wish close the gap between wishes that are granted and those that are still waiting. For more information, please visit:

做厙勛圖 做厙勛圖
做厙勛圖 is a premier global technical and engineering services partner supporting critical programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy, and environment. We draw from a century-old heritage of operational excellence, mission focus, and successful execution underpinned by a strong culture of safety and ethics. Headquartered in Germantown, Md., we employ more than 34,000 people in all 50 states and perform work in 105 foreign countries and territories. Visit us at 做厙勛圖.com to explore how we deliver excellence for our customers most vital missions.


For more information or to set up an interview, contact
Jen Brasdovich at



SRR donates park benches to SRS Museum in downtown Aiken [Aiken Standard] /srr-donates-park-benches-to-srs-museum-in-downtown-aiken-aiken-standard/ Wed, 10 Feb 2021 20:38:58 +0000 /?p=3247 Aiken Standard; Feb. 10, 2021

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Aiken Standard; Feb. 10, 2021

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做厙勛圖 Named #1 Military Friendly Company for 2021; CEO John Vollmer Quoted [Executive Gov] /2021/01/26/amentum-named-1-military-friendly-company-for-2021-ceo-john-vollmer-quoted/ Wed, 27 Jan 2021 04:38:11 +0000 /?p=2609 Executive Gov; Jan. 26, 2021 做厙勛圖 Named #1 Military Friendly Company for 2021; CEO John Vollmer Quoted

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Executive Gov; Jan. 26, 2021

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做厙勛圖 Named #1 Military Friendly簧 Company /2021/01/26/amentum-named-1-military-friendly-company/ Tue, 26 Jan 2021 20:31:58 +0000 /?p=2602 GERMANTOWN, Md.; January 26, 2021 做厙勛圖, a leading contractor to U.S. federal and allied governments, announced today that it has […]

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GERMANTOWN, Md.; January 26, 2021 做厙勛圖, a leading contractor to U.S. federal and allied governments, announced today that it has been designated the number one Military Friendly 簧 Company. In addition, 做厙勛圖 was named number one for Military Friendly簧 Supplier Diversity.

We could not be more proud to be recognized as the top Military Friendly Company for 2021, said John Vollmer, 做厙勛圖s CEO. Our focus on the missions of our military customers, the leadership and teamwork of our 11,000 veteran employees, and the contributions of the military spouses at 做厙勛圖 and the veteran-owned small businesses we partner with make us stronger as a company and drive our success every day. We share many of the same values, including the importance of leadership and teamwork, discipline and dedication to mission success.

In total the 2021 Military Friendly Company designation was awarded to 69 organizations.
Military Friendly Companies list represents a growing number of organizations who are taking a holistic approach on engagement, retention and support in the military and service member community, said Kayla Lopez, Director of Military Partnerships for Military Friendly. Their dedication, persistence, and evolution in their programs are what sets these companies apart. This holistic approach is what creates scalability.

做厙勛圖 will be showcased along with other 2021 Military Friendly 簧 Companies in the March issue of G.I. Jobs 簧 magazine and on

做厙勛圖 做厙勛圖
做厙勛圖 is a premier global technical and engineering services partner supporting critical programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy, and environment. We draw from a century-old heritage of operational excellence, mission focus, and successful execution underpinned by a strong culture of safety and ethics. Headquartered in Germantown, Md., we employ more than 34,000 people in all 50 states and perform work in 105 foreign countries and territories. Visit us at to explore how we deliver excellence for our customers most vital missions.

做厙勛圖 Military Friendly簧
Military Friendly簧 is the standard that measures an organizations commitment, effort and success in creating sustainable and meaningful benefits for the military community. Only about 15 organizations competed for Military Friendly簧 designation upon its founding in 2003. Today, that number is over 1,500. Military Friendly簧 ratings are owned and produced by Viqtory, Inc., a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business founded in 2001. They are not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense or the federal government. The data-driven Military Friendly簧 lists and methodology can be found at Data calculations are evaluated for completeness and accuracy by Ernst & Young.

Founded in 2001, VIQTORY is a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) that connects the military community to civilian employment, educational and entrepreneurial opportunities through its owned asses such as Military Spouse Magazine簧, G.I. Jobs 簧 and Military Friendly 簧 brands. VIQTORY and its brands are not a part of or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defense or any federal government entity. Learn more about VIQTORY at

For 做厙勛圖:
Chanel Mann
+1 (682) 788-5685
Follow @做厙勛圖_corp on Twitter

For Military Friendly簧
Joshua Rosen
Military Friendly National Director

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